"Let the little children come to Me, and don't stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" Jesus Christ (Luke 18:16)

When I used to be a kid, I always wondered why we don't have a lot of songs that speak our language? When I became a father and had kids; I realized that my children are learning the same songs I've learned several years back. Besides that many of our children search in the adults songs' repertoire just because they don't have their own to sing... So I felt the urgency for children songs and started writing and composing for them. The best thing is that you can test the song at home with your own kids :)

Here are few songs from more than 250 songs written and composed since 2003 for different Satellite kid's shows, as "Alwan" on SAT7 kids, and others. Every song has been conceived based on a theme to teach a specific social, or spiritual or musical lesson!

Some of the Albums are designed for pre-schoolers (as "Alwan" in its five seasons), other albums such as Forsa I and II, are developed for elementary students, of course there are few other songs that can be thought in middle school.

We tried to share with you the song, and its playback / karaoke version... Enjoy! 

Please remember that each time you are purchasing a Kid's Album, you are helping in distributing a Free CD for a refugee kid in the Middle East!


Every Song is written and composed to teach something, social, spiritual and musical. Enjoy and Learn :)
Nouḥ Tole' - Noah got on the Arch - نوح طلع على الفلك
"Nouḥ Tole' Aala L Felk" is a song composed for kids to teach them two main things; The Arabic Alphabet in a fun way citing animal names. Also the Middle Easter Musical scale called "Maqam Bayati" (Scale of Bayati)... This beautiful video that ha...
Ishara - A Sign - إشارة
"Ishara" (A Sign) song tells us how the Traffic Lights on the road are similar to God's signs in our daily lives. And how we should wait unto His signs in our lives! إشارة" ترنيمة تخبرنا كيف تتشابه إشارات المرور مع إشارات الله في حياتنا. وكيف يج...
Aaty Minka - Give away - أعطِ منك
The Song "Aaty Minka" tells us how we should be generous, give away things, and share. Also it teaches us that being generous and kind is an act of obediance to the Lord.  Also the song is composed in a Middle Eastern Music scale called Ḥijaz! ...
Aallamouni Ehtermak - They thought me respect -علموني إحترمك
This song is one of my favorite. Not only because Charbel Ziadeh -my singing student- has a beautiful great voice, but also because it teaches us how we should respect all people equally, no matter what country they come from, their race or color! Re...
Enna Fool Arba'a - We have four Seasons - عنا فصول أربعة
We learn from this beautiful song "Enna Fsool Arba'a" (We have four Seasons) that we have four Seasons around the year. And how every season is expressed! Enjoy and Learn... نتعلـّم من هذخ الأغنية الجميلة "عنا فصول أربعة" أن لدينا خلال السنة أرب...
Ya Rfi'ee - My Friend - يا رفيقي
This song "Ya Rfi'ee" is about true Friendship. It teaches us how we can be friends, even if we have different Character and tastes.   هذه الأغنية "يا رفيقي" تحكي عن الصداقة الحقيقة. وتعلمنا كيف نستطيع أن نكون أصدقاء رغم اختلافنا في الشخصي...
L Bent el Helweh - the beautiful girl - البنت الحلوة
This song tells us how a beautiful nice girl is loved by everyone around even her pets. Everybody calls her; A Princess! الأغنية تخبرنا أن الفتاة اللطيفة الجميلة، هي محبوبة من الجميع حتى من حيواناتها الأليفة. والكل يدعوها؛ أميرة...
Arjouk Ya Rabbi - Please Lord - أرجوك يا ربي
"Arjouk Ya Rabbi" a song that teaches us how to pray to the Lord to take care good care of us all the day round, and ask Him to teach us how to rely on Him more and more أرجوك يا ربي" أغنية تعلمنا كيف نصلي إلى الرب كي ما يهتم بنا كل النهار، وكيف نسأ...
Wahad Tnein Tleteh - One Two Three - واحد تنين تلاتة
The Song "One Two Three" is teaching us to differenciate between the healthy food and the junk food...  أغنية "واحد تنين تلاتة" تعلـّمنا أن نميّز بين الأكل الصحّي والأكل الذي بدون أي قيمة غذائية...
En Jadd El Jadd -Seriously - ان جدّ الجد
This song "En Jadd El Jadd" teaches us two lessons;  First, we learn how to count from one to ten in Arabic Second, it is muscially composed on a scale (maqam) called Sikah Enjoy & Learn :) هذه الأغنية "ان جدّ الجد" تعلمنا درسين؛  ...
Aam Yekbar Batna - My mom's belly is getting bigger - عم يكبر بطنا للماما
This very special song "Aam Yekbar Batna" (My mom's belly is growing) teach us how to accept the idea of having a new baby brother or sister. How to help out our parents instead of getting jealous!  Musically the song teach us how the tempo...
Chicken Game - لعبة الدجاجة
Enjoy the game and Learn the Song! تمتع في اللعبة وتعلم الأغنية

Help our people!
"If God is satisfied with the work, the work may be satisfied with itself" C.S. Lewis. We have Faith in an unchangeable God, and we still have hope in Humanity; His creation!
Children in Iraq were asked to draw their thoughts and dreams. But instead, they expressed their fears and their true stories of horror and persecution! From Duhok's refugees' kids: "Thank you" to one of our special partners in ministry
Another girl was asked to draw her dreams, but she told her true story; Persecuted by ISIS, she lost all her family on their way to Sinjar Mountain, like thousands of Yazidis!
We are gladly part of