The Prophet and the Harlot - النبي والغانية - Musical's Soundtracks (2016)

It is with great awe to the Lord that we're introducing our Biblical Musical; "The Prophet and the Harlot". More than 9 New Songs, with more than 10 other improvisations, Leitmotif and instrumental pieces, written and composed in an authentic music and original script, to present the Story of Hosea and Gomer from the Old Testament in a totally new perspective!

Over 80 singers, musicians, actors and dancers were gathered to present an original Christian Production. Where 40 of them were on stage, and many others back and off stage. The pre-production was the best part, where all the crew was gathered from many churches of several denominations, all having one goal; to glorify God and worship the True, Worthy One!!

This album includes the soundtracks of the Musical. Please remember forwarding our cause. Every time you purchase this album, you will be helping directly the Iraqi and Syrian Refugees through our ministry NFGM and/or our sister ministries working in the field in the Middle East.

1. Overture - إفتتاحية - Ouverture 2. You, Who hear my cry! - يا سامع أنيني - Toi, qui entends mon cri! 3. Dance of the Rock - رقصة الحجر - La dance de la pierre 4. Leitmotif 1 - فكرة موسيقيّة أولى - Leitmotiv 1 5. Improvisation from Hosea - موال من سفر هوشع - Impro. de l'Épître d'Osé 6. Impro on maqam Kurd - تقاسيم من مقام كورد - Impro en maqam Kourd 7. Leitmotif 2 - فكرة موسيقيّة ثانية - Leitmotiv 2 8. Improvisation in maqam Bayati - تقاسيم من مقام بياتي - Impro en maqam Bayati 9. Do you think? - قولـِك؟ - Penses-tu? 10. Leitmotif 3 - فكرة موسيقيّة ثالثة - Leitmotiv 3 11. People without understanding - شعبٌ لا يعقِل - Un peuple déshumanisé 12. The market of Agreement - سوق التفاهم - Le marché d'accord 13. Leitmotif 4 - فكرة موسيقيّة رابعة - Leitmotiv 4 14. You, alone! - إنت وحدك - Toi, seul! 15. Improvisation in maqam Raḥet El Arwaḥ - تقاسيم من مقام راحة الأرواح - Impro en maqam R. A. 16. The sin is a poison - الخطيّة سمّ - Le péché est un poison 17. The King's Message - رسالة الملك - Le message du Roi 18. Leitmotif 5 - فكرة موسيقيّة خامسة - Leitmotiv 5 19. Build the Center - عمّر الساحة - Reconstruis le Centre 20. Leitmotif 6 - فكرة موسيقيّة سادسة - Leitmotiv 6 21. Impro 2 on maqam Bayati - تقاسيم ثانية من مقام بياتي - Impro 2 en maqam Bayati 22. Do you think (full version) - قولِك؟ - Penses- tu? (Complète)

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