Antazirouka - أنتظرك - I am waiting on You (Jésus Ma Joie, 2010)
"I'm waiting on you" released in 2010, the album contains a double CDs of "Jesus ma joie" group. It took us a while after "Koulli laka" (I am all Yours) album that was released back in 2004. This new album is a mix of new and old praying jingles and songs sang by different christian singers including Nizar Fares. Many beautiful and prayerful songs were featured in this artwork, where most of them are truly anointed by the Holy Spirit.
1. I'm a Missionary - أنا مرسل - Je suis missionnaire
2. We came to pledge allegiance - جئنا نؤدّي - On viens jurer l'allégeance
3. You are the Hope of my Heart - إنت رجا قلبي - Tu es l'espoir de mon coeur
4. Receive the power - خذوا القوّة - Recevez la Puissance
5. The Love is searching - الحب عم بيفتّش - L'Amour te cherche!
6. We praise you - نرنـّم لك - On Vous chante