In a Moment of Honesty - في لحظةِ صدقٍ - En un moment d'hônneteté

كلّي امتنانٌ وعرفانٌ للربّ الذي "دعانا دعوةً مقدّسة" ٢ تيم. ١: ٩، ومع الدعوة أغدق المواهب، ومن المواهب عملٌ متواضعٌ أشهدُ فيه كم "عظّم الرّبُّ الصنيع معي إذ صِرُت فَرِحًا" مز.١٢٦: ٣. بين "النَّعَمْ" التي قلتها والنِّعم التي أعيشها، تسعة عشر عامًا قضيتُها مع مخلّصي كلحظات أبديّة، مغمورٌ بحبّه ومطبوع بكلمته، علَّني أنشرُ رائحته الزكيّة "مُرنِّمًا لإلهي ما دمت موجودًا"مز.١٤٦: ٢.
مجموعةٌ من الترانيم أتشاركها معكم مُصلِّيًا أن "لحظة صدق" ستمتدّ لتكون عمرًا كاملاً نعيشه مع المسيح الحيّ القائم من الأموات. شاكرًا إياه على كلّ من وضع يده معي على محراث الخدمة في حقله طوال السنين المنصرمة، وسيعمل في المستقبل معنا "لنسلك جميعنا بالدعوة التي دُعينا إليها" أف.٤ ١. وأنهي متمنِّيًا لكم أوقاتًا مفعمة بالصلاة وبالتأمّل بـمن قبل رُمح خطايانا واقتبل جُرح معاصينا والذي "بِجَلدَتِهِ شُـفيـنا"إش.٥٣: ٥ ... يسوع

Link to the full album: httpss://

I am beyond thankful and humbled by the Lord “who has called me with a holy calling” 2 Tim. 1: 9, and with His calling He also granted gifts, and from those talents, a humble album through which I testify that “the Lord has done great things for me, and I am glad.” Ps. 126: 3. Since the “I do” in response to God’s calling for ministry and the many blessings I’ve experienced since, the 19 years I’ve spent with my Savior seem as eternal moments in which I’ve been overwhelmed by His love, shaped by His Word and propelled to spread His fragrance by “singing praises to my God while I have my being.” Ps. 146: 2.

I share with you a set of worship songs, praying that “A moment of Honesty” would turn into a lifetime spent in worship and adoration in the presence of our living Christ. I’m grateful to Him for every person who has co-labored in this ministry and has helped in serving in His fields, so that we can “walk worthy of the calling with which we were called” Eph. 4: 1.

While listening to these songs, my only hope for you is to be blessed with intense moments of prayers and devotions with the One who embraced the spear of our sins, accepted the wounds of our trespasses “and by Whose stripes we are healed” Is. 53: 5… Jesus!

We are gladly part of